Can insects help save humanity?
A collaboration with Co•En Corporation’s vanilla and insects has been realised.
Takahiro MATSUYAMA who is CEO of SFFED inc. and a chef pursuing sustainable foods, used Co•En Corporation’s Chameleon Vanilla in his BUG’S ICE. Moreover, BUG’S ICE was served to over 600 people at an international conference, Sustainable Brand. Probably people’s head and mouth should be full of insects, and they might have no room to enjoy our vanilla flavour. However, it was great pleasure to provide secretly our vanilla for many people.
I hear that nowadays the insect foods have come in fashion. Some people in the world have custom to eat insects, though most Japanese people would feel uncomfortable to do so. But if we can think insects are just similar with shrimp or crab, we may be able to enjoy them.
Considering reproductive capacity and viability which insects have, it is more effective than to breed domestic animals or fish. FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations expects that insects will help solve food challenges because they make proteins effectively from less food than domestic animals do.
However, I can’t image to eat rice with baked insects and miso soup with insects, so will start enjoying BUG’S ICE at first.