What comes in your mind when you hear “vanilla”? It may be “vanilla ice-cream”. Tiny black spots in like ice cream, cream puff, purine and cream brulee, these are vanilla – precisely saying vanilla seeds.
Vanilla is offten used for sweets however it is not the only way. Vanilla is also used for many kinds of dishes and its sweet smell is essential for perfume.
This page introduces variety of ways to enjoy vanilla. It is our pleasure that you can imagine a journey starts from plantations in Madagascar. Then vanilla cross the board and finally turns into someone’s little happiness in your country.
Can insects help save humanity?
A collaboration with Co•En Corporation’s vanilla and insects has been realised. Takahiro MATSUY
Tagliata di Manzo Salsa di Madagascar
A special dish with vanilla from Co•En Corporation was created by Chef Takahiro Matsuyama who is one
Apple tarte tatin♪
My friend who loves cooking kindly made tarte tatin with apples and Co•En corporation’s vanilla
Pumpkin gnocchi with vanilla cream source
Co•En Corporation’s vanilla was used for food of Table de Daisen held on 28th October 2018 in T
Crevette with vanilla sauce
Vanilla can be used for not only sweets but also some dishes!! The most delicious dish with vanilla i
私のお気に入りのお店Cafe de Guyさんに、バニラを使ったオリジナルのカクテルを開発していただいています。 この日できたのは、ベルモットと桃のお酒ペッシェをベースにした「ギーパウダーカクテル」と「
プリンを作ってみました。これがなかなかの出来。友人たちに食べてもらったのですが大好評でした! プリンって、意外と作るの簡単なんですねー 【材料】 牛乳 800mL 生クリーム 200mL 卵黄 10個分
パティシエの堀田さんが月一で開催しているイベント。先月4月はプチシューをふるまったそうですが、その生クリームとカスタードのプチシューにCo•En Corporationのバニラを使っていただきました!