Report from Madagascar Feb/Mar 2019 (4): Sambava: main production region of world vanilla 5月 7, 2019/ cooperative now, tweet/ 0 comments

Sambava where is the main production region of world vanilla is located in the north east of Madagascar. It would take one and half hours from Antananarivo by air plane. I always think I would like to go there by bus from Antananarivo but I hesitated as people said it would take one week by bus due to the bad conditions of the load on the way…

There is one of our business partners in Sambava. The company provides vanilla cultivated without pesticides and fertilisers. We often see chameleons walking in their plantation, meaning that there should be many small insects which they can have, and that the plantation harmonise with nature around it. It must be good for people’s health.

The purposes of the visit this time were to observe the quality of their vanilla and to purchase it. When I landed at Sambava, strong rain was waiting for me. From the airport, I headed to the company by a car with a lean in the roof. It took one and half hours. I had so heavy rain that I couldn’t see the sight in front of me, making me think that I couldn’t visit plantation this time but with slight hope that it would stop raining and I could have sunshine…

Mr. Hery, president of the company welcomed me at the company. I saw vanillas under preparation. These were brilliant!! “To tell the truth…” Mr. Hery talked with full confidence. “I didn’t promote our vanilla last season as we had small amount of good quality vanilla, however this season, we have many good vanilla. I want to make many people enjoy our vanilla.” Quality of green vanillas was poor in general in Madagascar last season and so was that of prepared ones. Indeed, Sheafs of vanilla with black gloss were producing really enchanting smell. I bought 1kg of vanilla for luggage and made contract to import certain amount. We parted with firm handshake. It still rained hard and I gave up to go to plantation.

With Mr. Hery

By the way, the construction of their secondary school seemed advanced. I couldn’t visit the school because of the rain but Mr. Hery showed me pictures of the school.

School under construction


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