How long will we be able to see baobab trees in Madagascar? 9月 7, 2018/ scenery/ 0 comments

The baobab street is probably one of the most world famous places in Madagascar. The sight that baobab trees spread their branches in the sky is so extraordinary and mysterious, which we could never see in any other places.

There are at least eight species of baobab in Madagascar, but Madagascar is not the only country having baobab. A report recently published is saying giant African baobab trees die suddenly after thousands of years. It is a very socking news as  trees have been keeping their lives for thousands years are now ending their lives for this only 12 years (The Guardian).

Fortunately (if we can say so) there is no Malagasy baobab on the list however researchers say that baobabs in Madagascar face an aging problem as younger trees have not grown due to slash-and-burn and heavy use of its fruit by human for food and drink.

Here we can see difficulties of human to live in the good relation with nature.


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