Madgascar is an island surrounded by oceans. Because It locates in the South, it is summer in June to August and winter in December to February. The area is around 587,000km^3. It is 1.5 times larger than Japan.
Madagascar has a diverse climate. East coast area has tropical climate which is suitable for production of vanilla, cacao, cinnamon, pineapple and other tropical fruits. On the other hand, west part of the island is drier. South part of the island is much drier. In the central highland region, it has comfortable climate throughout the year despite its lower latitude because of its high altitude. This climate diversity brings a variety of sight from rainforest to savanna where baobabs grow.
The capital Antananarivo is on a basin and surrounding hills and there are many slopes in the city giving solidity and depth to the city. Together with it, old buildings constructed more than 100 years ago create an attractive town scape. Whilst, in rural area you can see small houses of cray wall or high-floored houses made of bamboo and traveler’s palm lining.
This page show you variety of sights and dairy life in Madagascar.
How long will we be able to see baobab trees in Madagascar?
The baobab street is probably one of the most world famous places in Madagascar. The sight that baoba
Celebrate the independence day
Madagascar celebrates 26th June as the independence day. On the eve, fireworks are displayed all arou
Arts of bricks
Earlier we introduced building style of houses in Madagascar and houses in west area would be made of
East and west, differences in architecture: east
As I ealier introduced architectural style of local houses in west area, I’ve written about eas
East and west, differences in architecture: west
As I described in the earlier article (“Brief introduction of Madagascar climate“), there
Brief introduction of Madagascar climate
It is nessary to have a look at geography of this island to know the climate of Madagascar. The map b
Push! Push! Pus-Pus
Many pus-pus are running in a town of a certain size. When you see a pus-pus in your view, you can r
Hey taxi!!
Scince I wrote about taxi-brousse – inter-town transportation before(「About Transportation Arou
About transportation around the Island
However there are some railways in Madagascar, they are far from enough to satisfy the needs of peopl
The strongest in the village
Shirtless men with amazing muscle are often seen. There are many powerful men in Madagascar. This man
焼きそば Misao
焼きそばミサウといっても、お店の名前ではありません。Misaoとはミサウと読み、ちょうど日本の焼きそばのような料理です。これがすごく美味しい!! 少し白めしに飽きて来たときに食べたくなります。Misao
KARAOKEは世界共通娯楽ですね。実感しました。マダガスカルの田舎の村にもあるんです。しかも、日本の歌まで歌えちゃう。 マダガスカルの人たちは歌が大好きで、カラオケも人気があります。日本のように個室で
Way to Mahajanga through savanna
Getting north from Antananarivo on the Rout4 would be the way to Mahajanga. It is about 550km, 10 hou
パイレーツ オブ モザンビーカン?
何かの映画で見たような風景。これを目にしたときは、驚きと興奮が湧き上がりました。 場所はマジュンガの海岸。マジュンガはマダガスカルの西側の港町です。つまり、そこから見える海はモザンビーク海峡。その向こう
魔法の箒って、本当にあるんですね。 マダガスカルのムルンダバはバオバブ街道で有名ですが、ここでは箒で空を飛ぶことができます。バオバブの神秘の力です。 なんて。でもね、この箒のおかげで子供たちの純粋な笑顔