Madagascar is a part of Africa and therefore it perhaps surprising for you that the main food of them is rice. Malagasy people eat the biggest amount of rice in the world. You only have to drive a car for minutes from the capital to see peaceful sight of rice fields.
There are many stewed dishes in Malagasy food. Pork and chicken are used but beer is the most popular. The species raised in Madagascar is zebu. It has a hump like camels. It is good for stewing, good for baking. Masikita which is Malagasy spid-roasted zebu is absolutely fantastic!
People often eat fish as well. We can have very good seafood especially in coast area. Even simply baked or fried fish with salt is delicious.
So, we show you delicious Malagasy foods in this page.
Crevette with vanilla sauce
Vanilla can be used for not only sweets but also some dishes!! The most delicious dish with vanilla i
焼きそば Misao
焼きそばミサウといっても、お店の名前ではありません。Misaoとはミサウと読み、ちょうど日本の焼きそばのような料理です。これがすごく美味しい!! 少し白めしに飽きて来たときに食べたくなります。Misao
逆さ丼 Bol Renverse
マダガスカルで○○丼というのはまだ見たことがありませんが、それに近いのがBol Renverse。ボール状の器に、丼とは逆の順に具とご飯を入れて、それをひっくり返してお皿に盛りつけます。ご飯は、白飯をそ