Sambava where is the main production region of world vanilla is located in the north east of Madagasc
Category Archives: cooperative now
I visited Madagascar last February to March. I will report the visit with several articles. The main
While farmers are harvesting their green vanilla, pink pepper and cinnamon are prepared at the proces
Vanilla market is regulated by the government in Madagascar and the green vanilla market in Sambava w
Matured vanilla is harvested around May to July in Madagascar. Harvest has already stared this year.
11月〜12月にかけては、クローブの収穫・加工の時期でもあります。収穫したクローブは天日干しにされます。 バニラ農園を視察しにある村に行くと、クローブ(丁子)のなんともいえないキツイ匂いが鼻につきました